The  Lifestyle Disorders Prevention and Correction Program

Are you also one who is suffering from lifestyle disorders such as hypertension (b.p), hypercholesteremia (uncontrolled cholesterol), diabetes Mellitus, acidity, indigestion, constipation due to sedentary lifestyles, obesity(weight gain), alcohol or drug dependency?

Hopping from one doctor to another pathy to another specialist and superspecialist. taking lots of chemical drugs in the name of medication which might have long-term side effects and be harmful in the long run? Have you become habitual or drug-dependent?

We have done root causes analysis of every case and customized treatment protocols which control as well as control health issues. so although you were on any medications, we will help you to taper the doses of the same and finally get rid of them permanently.

Get started on this Health Program today

Enroll to avail the benefits of an entire ecosystem customized to suit your health concerns


Enroll for program


• Online chat support is available from Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Saturday:-10 to 2 pm .sunday holiday) • Different time zones other than Indian Standard Time will be handled accordingly. • The assigned team’s responses will be based on their appointments, case studies, calls, and meetings. They will respond at the earliest. • The team is off on weekends and public holidays. In case of an emergency, feel free to contact us

• Your case, progress, and the way forward are reviewed and discussed with a chief consultant every fifteen days. • One video call is scheduled per month at the start of the program with you and a consultant assigned to you, followed by WhatsApp support whenever possible • You are added to an online chat group created to guide and coach you during the program. This group consists of your consultant, health coach, and a quality control team.

Total Program Cost

4 months: ₹ 20000 (inclusive of taxes) 8 months: ₹32000 (inclusive of taxes) 12 months: ₹50000 (inclusive of taxes)

USD rates apply to anyone residing out of India.

4 months: $333.33 8 months: $533.33 12 months: $800.00 Enroll for program

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