Healthy Gut Program

If gut health is not a part of your health management or prevention plan, then it is time to change your healthcare provider.
From acne and hair fall to food sensitivity and low immunity or actual gut conditions like acidity and constipation, every single health concern starts from the gut.
Even Herbal, Ayurveda, and Yoga emphasize the importance of gut health and how it is the cornerstone of wellness.
Poor gut health does not just reflect on your physical self but has an enormous impact on your emotional and mental self.
Our gut is the second brain! So, how we feel and think, our happiness quotient and our mental state are controlled by the gut and vice versa.

The  Healthy Gut  Program is designed to primarily look at the present condition of the entire gut, understand the symptoms experienced by an individual, and work on it from all aspects like nutrition, emotional health, activity, sleep, and your overall lifestyle, to give it a holistic perspective, so not just your gut but your entire body hums along happily.

Get started on this Health Program today

Enroll to avail the benefits of an entire ecosystem customized to suit your health concerns


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The key benefits of the Gut Health Program:

This program is designed to closely monitor your gut health, and work on root causes that compromise its function, to experience improvements in not just digestion but also immunity, skin and hair health, mental health, body weight, and more.

Implement our five pillars of lifestyle

Apply and continuously review the right set of lifestyle changes to help build optimum holistic health using the five pillars, namely, cellular nutrition, adequate exercise, quality sleep, emotional wellness, and reconnecting with the spirit.

Manage disease progression

Adopt effective and preventive lifestyle and nutritional strategies as well as eliminate risk factors to manage or possibly halt disease progression.

Manage stress for improved gut-brain communication

Learn how to identify and effectively address potential emotional and mental risk factors, as well as improve the composition and functioning of the gut.

Effectively treat and manage symptoms

Effectively manage and address symptoms and their immediate effects on the body, whether internal or external.

Restore, rebuild, and maintain overall gut health

Ensure and maintain optimal gut microbiota to rebuild the natural defense systems and prevent conditions like Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Please note that this is an online program and is open to participation from anyone globally.

• Online chat support is available from Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Saturday:-10 to 2 pm .sunday holiday) • Different time zones other than Indian Standard Time will be handled accordingly. • The assigned team’s responses will be based on their appointments, case studies, calls, and meetings. They will respond at the earliest. • The team is off on weekends and public holidays. In case of an emergency, feel free to contact us

• Your case, progress, and the way forward are reviewed and discussed with a chief consultant every fifteen days. • One video call is scheduled per month at the start of the program with you and a consultant assigned to you, followed by WhatsApp support whenever possible • You are added to an online chat group created to guide and coach you during the program. This group consists of your consultant, health coach, and a quality control team.

Total Program Cost

4 months: ₹ 20000 (inclusive of taxes) 8 months: ₹32000 (inclusive of taxes) 12 months: ₹50000 (inclusive of taxes)

USD rates apply to anyone residing out of India.

4 months: $333.33 8 months: $533.33 12 months: $800.00

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